
Because Life is Just Simpler without it!

Friday, August 14, 2015

I'm still adjusting to my "new life". This is how I think of it, although to think that Facebook would affect your life so much that it can be life-altering is a little weird. I find that what I was trying to escape from, I now have to face. I'm starting to understand why Facebook became such an addiction.

The first few days after I got off of Facebook felt so liberating and free. It almost felt like I was returning to my childhood. This were much more simple. Well, simplicity can become boring if you're not used to it. Simplicity can only go so far. Then creativity needs to step in.

You have to figure out what you like to do. What are your interests? Do you even have any? Or have you become so robotic that you don't have any interests anymore?

I have interests but I also have chores. This is a big reason for my escape to Facebook. I know it's not right--and I knew it even then--but the chores that I had to do felt so overwhelming sometimes that I needed an escape. Now I have to face it. And it's times like this, that I wonder what made me delete my Facebook account in the first place.

Does THIS look like something I want to go back to???

No, I did not stage the kitchen. It looks like this every day.

And this????

No, this is what I'm trying to escape from.   And it's there every day.

What I need is a new escape. I'm still trying to figure out what that is.

For now, I run back and forth like a little mouse trapped between a wall and it's predator.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Two Weeks

Facebook is the perfect set up for the ego. You've got all your friends surrounding you, all your "likes". You have a Facebook page specifically designed just for you, all about you. It's no wonder that I crave it when I'm feeling down.

It is two weeks today that I've been off of Facebook. Actually, I have been on a few times, but only to update my Roses for Mary Facebook page where I sell and advertise my rosaries. Other than that, I haven't been on at all.

When I have been on, I find it dull and boring. It's the same subject and the same meme  all over the place. I do like to read others statuses though.

The point is, I think I have rediscovered life without Facebook again. In the beginning, it was a refreshing change of tasks, laundry and children. Now, my refreshing change is reminding me why I wanted to escape to Facebook in the beginning.

I won't deny that I don't have my moments of wanting "escape". Especially when that same stack of dishes are still there, or the kids are whining, or that living room that I just cleaned a half hour ago is messed up again. I want to escape to Facebook to the land of statuses and baby pictures and likes. In some ways, my land of make-believe, where everybody likes me, everybody understands me. (Even though I know it's not true.)

But I always leave feeling more alone, more misunderstood, more unnoticed.

It's been an adjustment, but I'm liking my Judy Cleaver life. I am actually learning how to cook, as I've discovered an interest in trying out recipes...now that I have the time, that is...

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

How to handle my crabiness without Facebook comfort

I have a bad headache and overall, not having the best of days. Nothing majorly wrong, perhaps just my attitude and how I am looking at things. It's days like today when I really want to go on Facebook.

But I guess I will clean the kitchen instead.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Life without Facebook...Day 8!

It's been officially over a week since I have gotten off of Facebook, whoo-hoo! This week has been a little long, I will admit, but so liberating! I have so much time on my hands (both a good thing and a bad thing) that I've had to learn all over again what to do with it.

This is not the first time that I have gotten off of Facebook. I have tried multiple times before to get away from it. Each time I was unsuccessful. You can read about my "moment of grace" here.

Sorry this is very rushed! I actually have things to do! I am going to work on laundry today and clean my daughters room. Whereas before I had no motivation or energy, I do now!

I will end on a quick list of improvements I have found within my own life, just in these past eight days without Facebook:
  • I am calmer. I don't feel as anxious or worried about "likes" or comments or the lack of them.
  • I feel more confident! It's ok to be "alone"!
  • Speaking of being alone, I'm actually not! I'm actually noticing people around me! I'm more interactive with them.
  • Speaking of being interactive, yes, I'm talking about my hubby and children. I'm no longer shooing them away saying "I will be right out!" Feeling more conversational. Being ok with just sitting and relaxing without a screen before my eyes.
  • I find myself dreading going on the computer for emails. A good sign!
  • I'm more focused. Not so scatter-brained. Things are actually getting done!
  • I'm more motivated and less lazy. Which means I have more energy.
  • Happier. Things have become so much more simple.
Mostly, I feel like I've come back to a rather familiar time in my life before Facebook took it over. Sort of like I traveled back in time ten years....rather strange. Things are so much simpler. I advise everyone to try it. Go back in time. Life is simpler there.